Sunday, August 27, 2023

Blue Beetle's predicted revenue: USD 40-50mn in US & Canada

Blue Beetle revenue prediction 40-50mn USD

Blue Beetle’s plot structure score is 0.03. We estimate that the movie will appeal to 0.84-1.02% of the population in the domestic market.

Mythosis extracts the invisible plot structure of scripts

Any story is quest to fulfil a human desire.
We have identified all universal quests for every human desire. We found these universal quests in 32 mythological tales from across cultures.
We have codified the 32 mythological tales to extract plot structures of stories. The analysis of Blockbuster, Hit & Flop plots led to the discovery of "Mythosis Code".

Mythosis Code:
1. All Blockbusters borrow from at least 3 universal quests
2. Each character mirrors ONLY ONE universal quest
3. Characters borrow at least 35% events from their respective quests
4. The quests used must be interwoven with a minimum score of 0.5

Mythosis Code identifies the ideal Blockbuster plot structure for any story. It uses the ideal plot structure to estimate and unlock a story’s Blockbuster potential.

Though Blue Beetle’s plot structure is made up of 4 universal quests only Jamie's character is developed 

Jaime’s journey mirrors the universal quest of Preservation & Tranquility. Jenny & Victoria mirror the universal quests of Idealism & Power. Rudy and Carapax don’t have a substantial quest.

Jaime borrows 36% from his universal quest. However, Jenny & Victoria borrow only 19% & 8% from their respective quests. (Annx 1)

Besides, Blue Beetle’s quest interweaving score is just 0.33 because only Jaime’s quest is interwoven with Victoria’s quest. (Annx 2)

Blue Beetle’s fails on every parameter of the Mythosis Code

Inconsistent character: Jaime’s quest borrows from 2 universal quests of Preservation & Tranquility which impacts character consistency.

Weak characters: Jenny & Victoria borrow far below the threshold of 35%. Low borrowing from universal quest impacts the character depth & complexity. Victoria, the antagonist, is a very weak character in the movie.

Low story cohesiveness: Jenny’s quest isn’t interwoven with both Jamie & Victoria which weakens the story cohesiveness.

Annexure 1: Mapping characters to the universal quests of Odysseus, Noah, Prometheus & Duryodhan

At Mythosis, we have identified universal quests from thousands of mythological tales, fables, legends and literature. The mythological tale representing each universal quest is the super set of thousands of tales across cultures.

Every universal quest has 5 major arcs. A sequence of events culminates into a major event marking the end of the arc. We have mapped each character’s quest to the major events in the universal quest.

Quest 1: Jamie mirrors Noah’s universal quest for Preservation

Jamie’s desire for Preservation stems from his need to eat & survive. The tale of Noah from Abrahamic mythology is the universal quest for Preservation.

20% of Noah’s quest is borrowed by Jaime – below the threshold of 35%

Blue Beetle uses Noah's tale for Jaime's quest

Quest 2: Jamie also mirrors Odysseus' universal quest for Tranquility

Jamie’s desire for Tranquility stems from his need to be free from anxiety & fear. The tale of Odysseus from Greek mythology is the universal quest for Tranquility.

36% of Odysseus’ quest is borrowed by Jaime – Above threshold of 35%

Blue Beetle also uses Odysseus' tale for Jaime's quest

Quest 3: Jenny mirrors Prometheus’ universal quest for Idealism

Jenny’s desire for Idealism is motivated by the need for justice. The tale of Prometheus from Greek mythology is the universal quest for Idealism.

19% of Prometheus’ quest is borrowed by Jenny – below threshold of 35%


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Script potential of Wish is 31-37MM in the domestic market

  The script of Wish will appeal to 0.86 – 1.06% of the population 93% events in Wish are borrowed from 3 mythological tales